Frequently Asked Questions
Check out answers to our most common questions we get asked! If your question isn’t answered below, please feel free to email us at [email protected]
Why is it called Delektia?
The name is derived from “delicious” and “delectable” with no direct reference to any language as Delektia is made for all.
Do you sell anywhere other than the UAE?
We have recently expanded into Amman, Jordan. Our aim though is to have Delektia meals in every freezer around the world!
What ingredients are used in Delektia dishes?
We use only the best natural ingredients that you would cook with for yourself and your families. Our meals do NOT contain any preservatives or ingredients you can’t pronounce.
Are Delektia dishes Keto?
Some are. Bamieh with meat, mloukhieh with chicken, loubieh vegan, lubieh with meat, Dawood basha and sabanekh with meat are all Keto friendly.
Are Delektia dishes organic?
No. While we continuously strive to not add preservatives or MSG in our dishes, we are not currently pursuing organic certification. Right now, we are focused on providing high quality, quick and convenient, fully cooked frozen meals that are accessible to everyone. Should we implement organic ingredients, our pricing would have been a hinderance to many people. Perhaps, as we continue to grow and it makes sense, it is something we will start exploring.
What is the shelf life of Delektia pouches?
All our dishes have a shelf life of 12 months from date of production. You’ll find the Best Before date on the back of pack. Pouches must be stored in the freezer until you are ready to thaw and eat cold, or heat and eat.
Can I eat the dishes cold?
Yes! All our dishes are fully cooked and can be enjoyed hot or cold.
Can I refreeze the dishes after they’ve been defrosted?
No, however, a thawed Delektia dish will last in the fridge for two days.
Is Delektia good for my diet?
Yes! Food is our passion, and we are on a mission to make authentic dishes accessible for everyone. We work hard to ensure each dish contains only the best natural ingredients that you would use in your own cooking. Our meals don’t contain preservatives. Using the latest blast-freezing technology, we’re able to safely store and deliver our meals to you without any loss of nutritional value. Each pouch clearly states the calories and macros for those counting.
How is Delektia made?
We cook and package our dishes in the pouches and blast freeze them, so this extends the shelf life of each meal without the need to use additives or preservatives. Your Delektia dish can be stored in the freezer for 12 months without losing its taste or nutritional value.
Is Delektia packaging BPA free?
Yes! Our pouches are a mix of PET and Nylon Natural PE and it is completely BPA free.
All our pouches are tested in multiple laboratories accredited by CPS / EIACI / ESMA. All our pouches are Halal certified and accredited food grade material.
Why do you use a plastic pouch?
At Delektia we understand that plastic is highly frowned upon, and sustainability is something we do care about.
In order to extend the shelf life of our dishes (12 months) we needed to use a technology called blast freezing which also preserves all the nutrients without the need for additives and preservatives. For this technology to work well it is necessary that the packaging withstands the sudden change in temperature. Other materials simply expand, contract, or just explode. We’ve tried! Biodegradable material is certainly not something we can choose because it would just disintegrate.
Our environmental impact by choosing plastic can be seen when talking about food waste. Globally, wasted food accounts for approximately 8% of all greenhouse gas emissions. While this is not perfect, currently there are no superior alternatives that exist that provide sustainability benefits.

5 National Dishes with Great Stories
Every dish has a story to tell—some are about tradition, some about necessity, and others about creativity and innovation. Today, we’ll explore five dishes available on the Delektia menu, each with a rich history that makes them more than just a meal on your plate....

Three Advantages of the Mediterranean Diet
Welcome to the culinary journey where flavor meets health in the most delightful way possible – the Mediterranean diet. In a world where fast food and processed snacks often take precedence over mindful eating, the Mediterranean diet stands tall as a beacon of...